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Embarking on a Journey: Merging AI Strategy with Execution in the Saudi Arabia

Embarking on a Journey: Merging AI Strategy with Execution in Saudi Arabia

Embarking on a Journey: Merging AI Strategy with Execution in Saudi Arabia

In the heart of a rapidly evolving technological landscape, the intersection of artificial intelligence (AI) and business strategy represents an advancing frontier of immense potential. As a professor of computer science with years of immersion in the theoretical underpinnings and practical applications of AI, and someone who acquired extensive business acumen through executive training from leading schools including Harvard and London Business School, I have observed a significant gap in the market: the translation of AI strategy into tangible business outcomes.

This observation has been the catalyst for my latest venture — Foresighted.AI that not only consults on AI strategy but also spearheads its execution through comprehensive technology consulting in Saudi Arabia (KSA).

The potential for AI to contribute to strategic decision-making is vast yet its actual application is contingent upon overcoming several underlying challenges (McKinsey & Company).

Our differentiated approach is rooted in a personal conviction that the true value of AI consulting cannot be fully realized without rolling up our sleeves and getting involved in the nuts and bolts of implementation. This belief stems from my experiences in academia and industry where I witnessed the transformative power of AI when effectively integrated into business operations. It’s one thing to draft a strategic vision; it’s another to navigate the complexities of applying AI technologies in real-world scenarios to extract value for your business.

Why Saudi Arabia and Why Now?

Saudi Arabia is on the precipice of a technological revolution driven by Vision 2030, a national ambition to diversify its economy, foster innovation, and create jobs. The government’s vision aligns with global predictions by entities like the McKinsey Global Institute, which estimates generative AI could add up to $4.4 trillion in annual value to the global economy. In such a transformative era, AI becomes not just a tool but a cornerstone of national growth, promising to expedite Saudi Arabia’s journey towards its ambitious goals.

Companies that have successfully integrated AI into their operations and seen a significant portion of their earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT) attributable to AI are leading in adopting Gen AI across more business functions. In contrast, other companies are still grappling with basic strategic elements of AI adoption (McKinsey & Company).

Meet Some of Our Team Members

Tirto Adji, Chairman

A highly accomplished technologist and venture capitalist with over 25 years of experience in Silicon Valley.

Mahmoud Alnahlawi, AI Expert

A technology entrepreneur and engineer with over 20 years of experience in the field of AI and big data.

Omaimah Omar Bamasag, Professor

A Professor of Cybersecurity at the Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Computing and Information Technology, King Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia.

Mohammad Ibrahim, Innovation Expert

Led the project on the development of the innovation ecosystem of a Techno Valley associated with a Saudi university to support the Saudi Knowledge Economy.

Mohammad D. Alahmadi, AI Consultant/Data Scientist

Professional with over 10 years of experience in AI, computer vision, and mobile computing.

You can see more team members and detailed bios here.

A significant part of our ethos is the commitment to a partnership model with our clients. Our goal is to demystify AI and make it a tangible asset that businesses can leverage to enhance their competitive edge.

As we look to the future, our vision is to continue bridging the gap between AI strategy and execution. We are constantly exploring new technologies, methodologies, and industry trends to ensure that our solutions remain at the cutting edge. Moreover, we are committed to fostering a culture of innovation, collaboration, and continuous learning within our team. After all, the field of AI is ever-evolving and staying ahead requires not just technical expertise but a mindset of perpetual curiosity and adaptation.

Launching this company has been a journey of challenges, learning, and growth. It has reinforced my belief in the transformative power of AI and the importance of translating this power into tangible business outcomes. As we move forward, we remain dedicated to enabling our clients to navigate the complexities of AI integration, ensuring that they not only survive but thrive in the digital age.

In my next blog, I will write about some of the industries and use cases where we want to focus on.

Thank you for reading!

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